episode 11

A P-Box Usable for More than 40 Years

The returnable bottles of Hoppy for consumption at restaurants and other establishments are shipped in plastic boxes containing 20 bottles. This yellow box is called the P-Box. In the old days, when Hoppy was first marketed, it was shipped in wooden boxes. Later, in 1974, the boxes were changed to plastic boxes. The wooden boxes could not bear the weight of multiple boxes and would collapse when stacked, and the plastic boxes were safer because there is no danger of breakage when stacked. In 2017, the specifications for the boxes were revised to their current form; under the specifications used since 1974, the vertical and horizontal size of the opening was different from that of beer boxes. This meant that beer boxes and Hoppy boxes could not be stacked together. However, under the revised specifications, the Hoppy P-Boxes are the same size as the beer boxes in terms of opening length and width. The new specifications allow hoppy boxes to be stacked together with beer boxes when transporting them from liquor stores to food and beverage outlets without wasting space. This also allows beer and Hoppy boxes to be stored together when stacking them in the storage areas of food and beverage outlets.

The Hoppy P-Boxes are shipped with full bottles and returned to the factory with the empty bottles. The bottles, of course, are cleaned, and so are these boxes before they are shipped out with new Hoppy, and the recovery rate is almost 100%. The returnable boxes boast outstanding durability and can be used repeatedly for more than 40 years. One of the world's global warming goals is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to virtually zero by 2050. However, the P-boxes we have today can still be used well beyond 2060 without emitting any carbon dioxide.

episode 11
A P-Box Usable for More than 40 Years