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True: The Guarana is a Source of Energy




The scientific name of guarana is paullinia cupana. It is named after the German medical botanist Christian Franz Paullini, who discovered guarana in the Caribbean Sea in the 18th century. And below is the behind story why we call guarana as a source of energy.
There are cases using guarana extract as treatment for cancer patients. It is not 100% effective against cancer itself but it is an alternative therapy to ease several symptoms such as fatigue (Cancer Related Fatigue: CRF), headache, kidney damage, myalgia, depression, etc. As a result of administering 50mg once a day to breast cancer patients receiving radiation therapy, and 50mg twice a day to patients receiving chemotherapy, it seems that guarana extract helps to improve patients CRF physically and psychologically. In other words, the patients who feel tired and unwell felt better and regained their vitality after taking guarana extract. Moreover, there were no harmful side effects for them.
It is not because of your imagination, but actually approved that drinking guarana makes you feel energetic. Although, guarana is not approved as a drug in Japan.
(to be continued)