クレイジーケンバンドの楽曲には、よくコアップガラナが登場します。例えば、『Loco Loco Sunset Cruise』では、葉山で遊んで、夕暮れの中横須賀に帰るシボレーエルカミーノの車中に「コアップガラナの空き瓶」が転がっており、『箱根パノラマ・ゴー・ゴー』では、湖畔のレストハウスに「昔のままのコアップガラナのポスター」が貼ってあります。クレージーケンバンドのヴォーカル横山剣さんは、ご自身がカーマニアでもあり、いすゞの「ベレG」は都合3台乗り換えていますが、その最初の車がそのまま曲になった『ベレット1600GT』でも「コアップガラナを一気に飲み干せば」という歌詞で登場しています。実は、普段の横山剣さん、コアップガラナのヘビーユーザーだそうです。
You find Co-Up Guarana in the songs of CRAZY KEN BAND. In the song “Loco Loco Sunset Cruise,” there is an empty bottle of Co-Up Guarana in the car, Chevrolet El Camino. In “Hakone Panorama Go Go,” you will find an old poster of Co-Up Guarana near the lake house. The lead vocalist and composer Ken Yokoyama is well known as a car enthusiast and he even made a song about his Isuzu BELLETT GT. In that song of “BELLETT 1600 GT,” you will see the lyric “When you drink up “Co-Up Guarana.”
He is a big fan of Co-Up Guarana and those songs he wrote were full of the retro atmosphere of Yokohama and old cars, just matches this oldest Japanese brown soda. That nostalgia really hits us all right. This is another story but Mr.Yokoyama quit drinking from his youth experiences and enjoys non-alcoholic life.
(to be continued)