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Why Not Having A Good Addiction? : TIFANA




Another cocktail named TIFANA that Mrs. Setsu Hagiwara, the owner master of Akasaka ambe CUATRO shared with us. The first spirit that comes to our mind when we think of Mexico is Tequila! You can find lots of brands with different flavors and characters depending on which part of Mexico that the tequila comes from. It is commonly said that the one with spicy taste like herbs are made in the lowlands, and the other with fruity taste are from highlands like Mexico City over 2,000 meters high. It is just like Japanese Sake with diversity from each area.

And here is the cocktail TIFANA, mixing this individual tequila with Co-Up Guarana, you may enjoy countless matches with each tequila. It is like a once in a lifetime matchup and at first, you may think that the tequila’s strong personality is attacking refreshing Co-Up Guarana, but trust us, they will be harmonized a bit by bit and you will enjoy that chemistry. Co-Up Guarana never chooses a tequila partner, it will go well with any tequila and you will be addicted to this magic cocktail in a good way. Oh well, you will never be satisfied with always-taste-good-and-smooth cocktails anyways, we need that kind of strong personality with a kick sometimes. What do you think?
(to be continued)