ジョージーナ・ラックはイギリスのイースト・サセックスを拠点に活動する アーティスト。オーガニックで温かみのある水彩画で知られ、The New York Timesをはじめ新聞、雑誌、書籍などのメディアのほか、企業広告 や商品のパッケージイラストなど幅広く手がけている。今作では赤や黄 色、オレンジなど温もりのある色彩をふんだんに使って「実りの秋」をイメ ージ。ホッピーボトルを中央に、海の幸・山の幸など秋の味覚で彩った。 「世界中のアーティストとこのようなコラボレーションをしているホッピ ーのプロジェクトに関われてうれしい。日本を訪れたい理由のひとつは、 間違いなくその食文化」と語る。
The illustration for November was done by Georgina Luck, an artist based in East Sussex, England. Her watercolor artwork is known for its warmth. She has worked with The New York Times, other newspaper companies, magazines, books and other media, and also has done product package illustrations for corporate ads. Georgina created this month’s art piece based on the image of the “harvest season” with the warm red and yellows seen in the autumn leaves. She illustrated a Hoppy bottle in the middle of the composition and included food from the sea and mountains. She shared her thoughts, saying, “It was refreshing to be given an open brief allowing creativity and exploration. I enjoyed researching Japanese food culture and nature in the autumn. It’s also great to be involved in a collaborative project with artists across the globe, all using their own styles.”